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Elisabete Pinto da Costa

Elisabete Guedes Pinto da Costa She teaches and researches in the area of social sciences, namely in the area of Mediation, European Studies and Educational Sciences. PhD in Education from the Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies (2016). Master in European Studies from the University of Minho (2001). Degree in European Studies from the Universidade Moderna do Porto (1994). Assistant Professor at Universidade Lusófona do Porto (ULP) (since 2007). Director of the Postgraduate Course in Conflict Mediation in the School Context (since 2008). Lecturer in European Studies (since 1994), European Citizenship (since 2007), Inclusion, Mediation and Differentiation (since 2017), Public Policies (since 2017). Teacher in several Conflict Mediation, Family Mediation and School Mediation Courses (since 2008) and for Professional Mediators (since 2003). Director of the ULP Mediation Institute (IMULP). Coordinator of the Mediation Service at IMULP (since 2015). Conflict Mediator in Courts of Justices of the Peace (since 2001). Scientific Coordinator of Mediation Project in School Context (implemented in several national schools) (since 2008). Master of Learning “Tour D´Europe” of Social Mediators ”, within the scope of the CREA Project: Building a European Space for Social Mediation (2018 - 2019). Scientific-pedagogical coordinator and trainer of the Training Course for the Intercultural Mediators Team of the Porto City Council (2019). Scientific Coordinator of the “Mediation Project and Students Supports in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education”, in partnership with the Porto City Council (since 2019). Scientific co-coordinator and trainer of the “Training Program for Municipal and Intercultural Mediators” of the High Commissioner for Migration (ACM) (2019). Member of the action research project and learning communities, of the northern team of the Higher Education Network for Intercultural Mediation (RESMI) and the Municipal and Intercultural Mediation services of the north of the country (since 2019). She published book chapters and articles in national and international scientific journals, having presented numerous communications at scientific congresses with peer review. Supervisor of master's dissertations and member of juries of public master's and doctoral exams. Integrated member of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Development (CeiED), in the Research group: Learning, Training and Socio-educational Inclusion. Member of the Advisory Board of Revista Psicologia, Educação e Cultura (since 2018). Member of the Scientific Committee of the Ibero-American Congress of Qualitative Research (CIAIQ) (since 2016). Member of the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences (SPCE) (since 2016). Member of the Scientific Committee of the Word Conference on Qualitative Research (WCQR) (since 2017). Evaluator of articles submitted to the Ibero-American Congress of Qualitative Research (CIAIQ) (since 2016), the Word Conference on Qualitative Research (WCQR) (since 2017) and the Revista Psicologia, Educação e Cultura (since 2018). Member of the Consejo Acesor y Científico of ADR Magazine - Mediación. International Forum of Professional Mediators (since 2018). Member of the Intercultural Mediation Higher Education Network (RESMI) (since 2015). Member of the Board of the World Mediation Forum (since 2015). Delegate of the North Zone of Portugal to the International Forum of Professional Mediators - Embassy of Portugal (FIMEP-P) (since 2017). Member of the National Federation of Mediators (since 2018). Member of the Iberolusoamericana University Network of Estudio y Práctica for the Resolution of Conflicts (since 2008). Areas of academic and scientific interest: Citizenship, Conflict. Mediation (Conflict Mediation, School Mediation, Intercultural Mediation, Family Mediation). Qualitative Research. European integration.