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Célia Taborda Silva

Célia Taborda Silva is Associate Professor at Lusófona University of Porto (ULP) and Vice-President of Portuguese Association of Vine and Wine (APHVIN/GEHVID). Previously she was Professor Assistent at Catolic University of Porto. Currently she is a researcher at CICANT - The Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies and researcher associate at CEAUP - Center of Africana Sudies of the University of Porto. Now, she is the co-principal investigator of the project "FEMGlocal - Glocal feminist movements: interactions and contradictions (PTDC/COM-CSS/4049/2021). Célia Taborda Silva concluded her PhD in Contemporary History (2005) at the University of Porto, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, with a thesis entitled: "Social movements in the Douro during the implantation of Liberalism (1834-1855). The previous master dissertation is a study of social and economic history: "The monastery of Ganfei. Property, production and rents during the Ancien Regime". Author of books, book chapters and several articles in national and international scientific journals, her research interests include: history, social movements, ativisms, communication, society and politics. Simultaneously, she participated in diverse international and national conferences (some as invited speaker) and integrated diverse scientific committees and events organization.